Thursday, January 26, 2006

If you like 24 - don't read this!

AAARRRGGGHHH!!! I can't believe it. I saw the first trailer for '24' on Sky One last night (well actually I saw the trailer 3 times in the space of 90 minutes!) I can not believe that I will have to endure another 6 months of trailers for the damn show, let alone have the show spoil my viewing pleasure. It goes on forever and I can't stick it. The new trailer said something like 'sacked, widowed, killed...and still comes back for more.' My version would be:
'sacked - who cares?, widowed - and..., killed - hurrah! Please go away and never darken our screens again!'
The only way to make the show barable would be to show it all at once so that I could make sure I was either - out, asleep or very drunk. I only hope that they show it on a Thursday night when I am regularly out!
Here endeth the rant.

1 comment:

Ross McDonald said...

Excellent raging against the machine, good blogging go Ray!!!!!