Sunday, November 20, 2005

Quiz, HP and poorlyness

So I am ill. Great. I hate being ill. I can tell that I am ill as I have gone off food - yep that's right...don't fancy anything...which is very rare, so I must be ill.
Was feeling a bit ropey on Friday, but soldiered on anyway, as that is what I am like.
Glad I did really! Carl and I went to the Stephenson Quiz and teamed up with Darren and Jen. We were nothing if not consistant (scoring 7 or 9 in almost all rounds apart from the last 2, where we scored 8 and 10!) but not winners, or so we thought, until we realised we got 10 in the last round and knew we had won. Ha! Too bad the Bad Monkeys weren't there...we might have actually beaten them!
After that, Carl and I were on a high (due to winning and having drunk copious amounts of Lucozade during the quiz) so we decided to go and see the midnight showing of the new Harry Potter film in Stevenage. So off we went. We were amazed at the (lack of) speed of the consessions staff and ushers. We were never that slow...surely! (Hmmm...actually we probably were at 11.30 at night, but the customer is always they were painstakingly slow!! OK?!)
The film was great. Good special effects and it kept pretty well to the book (as far as I can recall - I mean they did miss stuff out and change a few bits but nothing blindingly obvious.)
So got home at about 3am...tumbled into bed and slept like a log till 8ish...when Carl got up for work complaining that he was "too old for these late nights!" I fell back to sleep for a couple more hours, but really didn't feel well...and the poorlyness is still with me now. D'Oh!


Ross McDonald said...

hope you are better ready for this weekend, sounds like its going to be lots of fun!

limpetboy said...

Yes more quiz fun.

Try my old Uni cure for poorlyness, by pickling yourself in alcohol.